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Ingredients for 4 people

  • 4 Codfish Fillets (fresh and salted)
  • A little bit of olive oil
  • “Aioli” sauce from Sauce&More

This is a very handy recipe, especially if you have to improvise a dinner and you have little time for it. You can cook this delicious codfish recipe in just half an hour and impress your guests.


  1. You can use fresh or salted codfish fillets. If you decide to go for the second option, you have to put the fillets in water 48 hours before cooking and change the water every 12 hours.
  2. Preheat the oven to 180º-190º. Place the fillets on a baking tray, pour a little bit of olive oil on them and cook it for 10 minutes.
  3. Take out the baking tray of the oven and add 1 teaspoon of “Aioli” from Sauce&More to each fillet. Switch on the grilling function and gratin for 10 more minutes. Enjoy!